equality act

Age discrimination in teaching

Age discrimination in teaching is a growing issue with more reports of experienced teachers feeling like they are being excluded and forced out of the workplace. Younger teachers can also be affected by age discrimination through recruitment and promotion opportunities to redundancy practices. 

Racial discrimination in school

You might feel like you have been the victim of racial discrimination at your school. The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) explains that racial discrimination is when you are treated differently because of your race in one of the situations covered by the Equality Act.

Staff dress code for teachers

You may have a staff dress code policy at your school. Your employment contract may not refer to what you can explicitly wear, although, it will probably mention that all teachers are expected to adhere to the school’s policies and procedures.

Teachers and tattoos

Teachers and tattoos can be a controversial subject. You might be a teacher interested in getting a tattoo but apprehensive about whether your school will allow it or already have one and have been told by your line manager that it needs to be covered up.

What are reasonable adjustments in schools?

You may have heard of the term ‘reasonable adjustments’ but might be unsure how to request an adjustment at your school. In this article, we look at how to request reasonable adjustments and examples of them.

What do I need to know about the Equality Act?

You might not have enough time to read the Equality Act in full but you should be aware that it legally protects you from discrimination in school. This article provides an overview of the main features of The Equality Act and how it affects your employment.

What should I do if I am being bullied by SLT?

You may feel like you are being bullied or harassed by another teacher, your head of department or headteacher. All teachers have the right to work in a safe and secure environment free from intimidation, harassment and fear and where they feel valued and respected.