What is the recruitment and retention pay award?


You may have heard of the recruitment and pay award but might be unsure if you are eligible to receive it. The School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) outlines guidance on recruitment and retention incentives and benefits.

It explains that schools can provide payments or provide other financial benefits as an incentive for new teachers and the retention in their service of existing teachers.

Practically this could look like a salary advance scheme for a rental deposit for new teachers moving into an area. Other examples of assistance are season ticket loans for trains or a one-off payment such as a contribution to removal costs.

How should I be notified of the award?

The STPCD explains that when a teacher is given an incentive or benefit under, written notification should be given at the time of the award stating:

  • Whether the award is for recruitment or retention
  • The nature of the award (cash sums, travel or housing costs etc)
  • When/how it will be paid
  • Unless it is a ‘one-off’ award, the start date and expected duration of the incentive
  • The review date after which it may be withdrawn
  • The basis for any uplifts which it will be applied

Different rules apply to some senior leaders

Headteachers, deputy headteachers and assistant headteachers may not be awarded payments, other than as reimbursement of reasonably incurred housing or relocation costs.

All other recruitment and retention considerations in relation to a headteacher, deputy headteacher or assistant headteacher must be taken into account when determining the pay range.

What should I do if I am unsure about my award?

First of all, you will want to discuss your query with your school. They should be able to clarify any concerns you may have. If you are still unsure, you can contact us and we will be able to provide further support.

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