Can teachers take a day off to move house?


Moving house can be a busy time. As a teacher you might be interested to see if you can take a day off to move. 

You might have heard that all teachers are entitled to a day paid leave if moving house. 

We have published another support article which outlines how you can request leave for exceptional circumstances.

In this article, we look at whether teachers can take paid leave when moving house and look at different examples of absence policies from schools which outline their process when teachers request leave to move house.

Can teachers take a day off to move house?

There are no specific sections in the School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) or the Burgundy Book which explicitly set out details on whether teachers are allowed a paid day off school to move house.

It will be the decision of each school how it handles requests for a leave of absence for moving house during term time. You will need to check your school’s policies and staff handbook for specific information.

In the majority of policies we have looked at, school staff are encouraged to make arrangements for moving house during the weekend or school holidays. 

However, if the move has to occur during the working week most schools will let teachers take the day off to move house.

Teachers moving house: what do different schools do?

Newton Tony Church of England VC Primary School in Wiltshire has a leave of absence policy for teaching and support staff. It explains:

Existing staff are encouraged, if at all possible, to make arrangements to move house during school closures. However, if this proves impossible, staff may be granted one day of paid leave in order to move house. The headteacher is permitted to ask for documentary evidence relating to why the move could not take place during school closures.

Newark Orchard School in Nottinghamshire has an annual leave and leave of absence policy. On the topic of moving house the policy explains:

School staff should normally make arrangements for moving house outside normal working days. Where this is not possible, up to one days leave may be granted by the governing body

Chase Bridge Primary School in Twickenham has a staff absence and special leave policy. It explains that requests for a leave of absence should be made well in advance so that the school is able to make arrangements for cover. For moving home the policy states:

“To facilitate the employee moving to a new home where documentary evidence is provided stating why the move could not take place during a school holiday period. (Maximum 1 day)”

St Vincent De Paul Catholic Primary School in Hertfordshire has a leave of absence policy. It explains that up to two days’ annual leave will be granted.

If you are an Edapt subscriber and you have encountered difficulties with your school when moving house you can contact us for advice and support.

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