Remote education framework: review your provision


The Department for Education (DfE) has published a framework (download from here) to support schools to identify strengths and areas for improvement in their remote education provision. The framework is not statutory and you can adapt it to suit your school and context.

It is for internal use, and should support detailed discussion on appropriate next steps. It can help you to:

  • Meet basic requirements using the resources available and tools you currently have
  • Take your remote education provision further – with links to useful resources

We have also published another support article which outlines remote education expectations for schools.

Remote education framework: how should it be used?

The framework aims to help multi-academy trust leaders, school leaders and governors to:

  • Identify the strengths and areas for improvement in their school or trust’s remote education provision
  • Find resources (including training), guidance and networks to help them improve their provision

You can work through the entire framework to identify strengths and areas for improvement in remote education with your senior leadership team (taking approximately 1 hour to complete as a group) or focus on specific sections that have been previously identified as priorities.

The framework will help you to have conversations with all stakeholders within the school community (for example, staff, governors, parents) about your school’s remote education provision.

The framework can help you meet basic requirements using the resources and tools you currently have (digital or physical), and to take your remote education provision further. 

School leaders should allocate a score to each statement where possible, identify strengths and areas for improvement, and discuss next steps with SLT members and governors. The framework offers suggested actions and links to relevant support depending on scores and any gaps identified.

You can use the framework more than once to adopt practical steps and move from the “identifying” stage to the “sustaining” stage, to embed a sustainable strategy for remote education.


The scoring  provides a structure to identify the school’s current position in relation to its remote education practice across the 6 categories within the framework. Assessing each category in this way will help school leaders identify areas of strength and those needing further work.

Further support

If you are an Edapt subscriber and you have employment-related questions on the topic of remote education you can contact us for further support and advice.

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