Staff surveys in schools


Teaching staff surveys are now a regular occurrence in schools and can be an effective way to give feedback to your senior leadership team. 

Also, if you are a headteacher, conducting a staff survey can be a useful way to gather data on improving staff wellbeing and priorities for school staff.

The majority of times staff surveys can be implemented effectively however there are occasions when they can be problematic. 

An article in the TES explains that “anonymous surveys make it easier for staff to be overly negative, which can also make it hard to get a clear indication of how the majority of staff are feeling by distorting the results.”

We have also been notified by a number of our subscribers who have:

  • Felt threatened to give their true opinion in case of any negative repercussions and do not believe that their school survey is truly anonymous
  • Received negative appraisals and difficult conversations with the results of staff surveys. Especially when members of the senior leadership have been named and singled out

If you are an Edapt subscriber, and you are concerned with the detrimental impact a staff survey has had on your employment you can contact us for advice and support.

Staff surveys in schools: examples

Stanmore School in Winchester has a staff survey which is completely anonymous. 

It explains, “Your responses will help us understand where the staff community are, how they are feeling and what we can do to improve. The results will be shared with governors, school leadership and of course yourselves.

Examples of questions include:

  • There is someone at work who encourages my development?
  • I have opportunities to be listened to?
  • I feel like my achievements are acknowledged?
  • I would recommend working at Stanmore Primary to a friend or colleague?

Education Support hosts a staff wellbeing survey template which has been created by Governors for Schools.

It explains, “Their template provides a great example of staff wellbeing survey content, meaning you don’t need to start from scratch. Use it to help understand what is affecting experiences of mental health and wellbeing among your staff.

Examples of questions include:

  • The school provides opportunities for staff to share concerns in a supportive environment?
  • There is no friction or anger between colleagues at school?
  • I am not subject to bullying at work?
  •  I have sufficient opportunities to question managers about change at work?
  • I can talk to school leadership about something that has upset/annoyed me about work?
  •  I am not pressured to work long hours?

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While Edapt has sought to ensure that the information is accurate and up-to-date, it is not responsible and will not be held liable for any inaccuracies and their consequences, including any loss arising from relying on this information. This article may contain information sourced from public sector bodies and licensed under the Open Government Licence. If you are an Edapt subscriber with an employment-related issue, please contact us and we will be able to refer you to one of our caseworkers.