
Gained time

Gained time is a term you may have heard in relation to when your exam classes are on study leave or taking exams. The term was explicitly referred to last in the 2013 School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD)

INSET days: what are my requirements to attend?

You might be heading back to school from the summer holidays and wondering about the amount of INSET days you will have to attend this academic year. You might think you are being asked to attend an excessive amount of days, or you are attending additional training outside your normal working hours.

Pay portability for teachers

Pay portability was a term to describe your current salary transferring with you when you started a new role at a different school. Since September 2013, there is no longer pay portability for appointments in maintained schools in England and Wales.

Performance-related pay for teachers

Pay progression for all teachers now depends on appraisal outcomes and meeting standards set by schools. Decisions about teachers’ pay progression are now linked to performance.

Salary sacrifice schemes for school staff

You might have heard of salary sacrifice schemes before if you have worked in businesses, charities and other sectors. You might wonder if your school runs an equivalent alternative?

Supply teaching: what do I need to know?

You might be thinking about taking on supply teaching to reduce your workload or as a temporary solution when searching for a new career. Many teachers enjoy the flexibility and reduced hours of supply teaching. However, supply teachers can often receive reduced pay, are unable to access the Teachers’ Pension Scheme and do not receive the same benefits such as sick pay or maternity pay as teachers employed directly by schools.

Teacher pay scales

This article provides an overview of teacher pay scales in England for 2024/25. If you teach in a maintained school in England, you will be paid accordingly to a nationally agreed teacher pay scale. If you teach in an academy, free school or independent school, your pay will be set according to your school’s pay policy.

Teacher probation periods: what do I need to know?

Teacher probation periods are increasingly found more often in employment contracts. It’s an interesting topic as probation periods are not mentioned in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) or Burgundy Book.

Teaching out of subject specialism

You might be asked by your school to teach outside your subject specialism for a temporary period of time. This might be because of staff shortages or restructuring taking place within your school or Trust.

What are my employment rights as a part-time teacher?

As a part-time member of teaching staff you should be aware of your employment rights. Part-time working can be a good way of balancing work and personal commitments and you should not be penalised for working part-time at your school.

What do I need to know about TUPE?

You might be concerned about your employment rights if your school is converting to academy status. TUPE is a process designed to protect employees against unfair treatment as a result of a transfer of their employment. It is a common process and many thousands of school employees have gone through the TUPE process.

What is the recruitment and retention pay award?

You may have heard of the recruitment and pay award but might be unsure if you are eligible to receive it. The School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) outlines guidance on recruitment and retention incentives and benefits.

What should I do if I have a concern with my teaching timetable?

You might have joined a different school, starting a new school year or have been allocated new classes half-way through the school year. You may be confused about your new timetable, how much ‘planning, preparation and assessment (PPA) time is allocated to you or concerned about teaching a particular class during period six.