What should I include in my resignation letter as a teacher?
What to include in a resignation letter as a teacher can always be a bit daunting. What information do I need to include and what should I leave out? You might be cautious about letting your school know too much information, depending on what the situation is.
We have published another support article which outlines the dates which you will have to hand in your notice by.
You will also want to check your own internal school policies and your own employment contract before handing in your resignation and serving your notice.
In this article, we outline what information you can include in your resignation letter and look at an example of one.
What should I include in my resignation letter as a teacher?
Resignation letters do not need to be overly complex and should stick to the main facts and dates for leaving your position.
They are certainly not for airing any grievances or personal opinions about the school or members of staff. It is important that you maintain your professionalism during the resignation process.
You have to remember that you will need to secure a reference if you are moving onto another school. You will also have to work your notice period in school, which could be awkward to do so if too many grievances are stated.
We have published another article which outlines the process for receiving references from your school.
In addition, we provide examples of what references from schools can look like.
Example of a resignation letter from a teaching position
There are no set templates for resignation letters and they can always be adapted depending on the position and the nature of why you are leaving the post.
There are numerous examples online, below we have created an example which you could adapt for your own specific circumstances.
Email subject: Letter of resignation
Insert date letter will be submitted
Dear (insert name of headteacher)
I hope you are well. I’m just informing you that I am resigning from my position as teacher of English at Normanton Secondary School with effect from 1 September 2024. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time working with pupils, members of staff and the wider school community.
My last day of employment will be (insert last day of term, refer to our article on notice periods for further details)
Thank you for your support and professional development during my time at Normanton. I have grown and developed as a teacher during the last 5 years. I wish the school continued success in the future.
Kind regards,
Insert your name
Insert your contact details
If you are an Edapt subscriber and would like support and advice on your resignation you can contact us for further information.
The information contained within this article is not a complete or final statement of the law.
While Edapt has sought to ensure that the information is accurate and up-to-date, it is not responsible and will not be held liable for any inaccuracies and their consequences, including any loss arising from relying on this information. This article may contain information sourced from public sector bodies and licensed under the Open Government Licence. If you are an Edapt subscriber with an employment-related issue, please contact us and we will be able to refer you to one of our caseworkers.