An online version of an interview with Michael Gove, published on the Spectator website on 12 December 2012, surprised us by including the Secretary of State for Education mentioning Edapt.
The article quotes Michael Gove saying:
“Look at the way [the teaching unions] justify their existence to members. On the one hand, they justify their existence because they provide protection if you face unfair dismissal or an unfair allegation. Hopefully, employment law protects you from unfair dismissal and there are other ways – including a marvellous new organisation called Edapt – which can provide you with the insurance that you need.”
We welcome the recognition that in the context of teachers requiring protection in case of unfair dismissal or allegation, edapt is able to provide a choice for those teachers who do not wish, for whatever reason, to join a union – and appreciate being called ‘marvellous!
We remain as ever committed to being apolitical and impartial on all education policy.