Category Archives: Press Releases

Press Releases

BBC5 Live: Are teaching unions fully representative of their membership?

Edapt’s CEO John Roberts discusses the proposed strike action with John Dixon from the National Union of Teachers and a host of classroom teachers and parents on BBC 5 Live’s Tony Livesey morning show. Great to hear a teacher commit to subscribing to Edapt live on air. Listen again to the BBC 5 live piece…

Spectator: an interview with Michael Gove

An online version of an interview with Michael Gove, published on the Spectator website on 12 December 2012, surprised us by including the Secretary of State for Education mentioning Edapt. The article quotes Michael Gove saying: “Look at the way [the teaching unions] justify their existence to members. On the one hand, they justify their…

Sunday Times: Talent + graft = £££s for teachers

An article in the Sunday Times on 9th December featured an interview with CEO of Edapt, John Roberts. The article uses John as an example of a teacher who has ‘no wish to sign up to such a campaign’ as that being conducted by the NASUWT and NUT in response to what they see as…

What do teachers think of their unions?

A report released by LKMco (now CfEY) explores what teachers think of their unions, and defines three different categories of approach – the collectivists, the functionalist and the critics. The report is the result of a consultation, funded by Edapt, with over 350 teachers, through surveys and interviews between January and June 2012. The authors…