How effective are school staff meetings and do we spend too much time in them? Interestingly, there doesn’t seem to be any specific research available which looks at the amount of time teachers attend meetings or look at their impact on school outcomes.
Are morning lessons redundant for secondary school children? I always thought that period 6 was the toughest time to teach with pupils itching to go home! E-petitions actually make a difference A debate, which featured in Parliament this week, originated from an e-petition launched from Hannah Kidner, an A-level student which gained significant press coverage….
We’re proud to announce the launch of our new website which will make it easier for you to interact with us. It boasts a clean design and intuitive and consistent site-wide navigation to help you find your way around with ease. It is also fully responsive with mobile devices, making it easy to navigate on…
Vince Cable has today requested a full consultation into the ACAS code of practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures and this consultation is very much welcomed by Edapt. It is fundamental that all employees are treated equally under any disciplinary, grievance or legal process. 74% of people, in the UK, are not union members, and…
With the new term starting soon, we asked Katie Ashford to give us her top 10 tips for new teachers. These are her individual views. The frivolity of summer already seems like a distant memory as teachers and pupils across the land begin packing their bags and readying their nerves for another year in the…
Nothing is more annoying than arguing with non-school people about teachers’ holidays and hours. I’ve lost count of the time I’ve sat in a pub defending myself against the usual charges of “But you finish at 3pm” and “What do you need all those holidays for anyway?” But anyone wanting to debate whether teachers ought…
What is Early Conciliation? Early Conciliation came into force on 6 April 2014 meaning that any teacher or school employee will need to notify ACAS in the event they intend to pursue an Employment Tribunal claim against their school or local authority. There are very limited exceptions to this and most types of claim will…
Our anonymous blogger is Teach First teacher in an inner-city school. These are their individual views. There is that old saying that your friends are the family you choose to keep. Well there should also be a saying that teachers are the parents many need to have. When you step back from all the…
Katie Ashford is an English teacher in a secondary school in the Midlands. These are her individual views. I remember the first few times I was observed as a trainee. Most things in my training year were utterly horrendous, and observations were no exception. But what I remember perhaps even more than the lessons themselves…
Laura McInerney was a teacher for 6 years in London and is the co-founder of Teacher Tapp. These are her individual views. “It was a good lesson….but why didn’t you have the pupils working together more often?” If you’ve spent any amount of time in a school classroom, chances are you’ve heard this sentence –…