With protests from Extinction Rebellion (XR) being in the news throughout the year, I wondered what would be the impact on the professional careers of the teachers who decide to take part?
Edapt supports school staff everyday with issues facing their employment throughout England and Wales. Today is World Mental Health Day #WorldMentalHealthDay with the specific focus this year on suicide prevention.
After a summer break which feels like it has gone much too quickly, you come to the realisation that you will have to eventually return to school. For the majority of teachers the first day back will be INSET where you can mentally prepare yourself to transition into ‘school mode.’
Over the last academic year, we have supported more subscribers than ever before achieving a 99% casework satisfaction rating on the quality of support we provide. We always try and achieve the best outcomes for our subscribers while maintaining a high-quality, accessible and personalised service.
The summer months are upon us and depending on your sensibilities as a teacher, this can either be the most enjoyable or stressful time of the year
It was the 10th year anniversary of the Festival of Education at Wellington College this year.
It’s that time of the year where thousands of teachers will be handing in their notice to move to another school or to leave the profession.
How easy is it for teachers and school leaders to game the KS2 SATs? According to the Standards and Testing Agency (STA), last year 2,688 test results were annulled, the year before that the figure was 723.
It can always be useful to use the first few lessons after the holidays to reassert rules and routines and to introduce new ones to keep pupils on their toes. This is especially true if you are working in a school with challenging behaviour and inconsistent application of the rules from class to class.
There’s been a number of news stories recently where some multi-academy trusts (MATs) have been testing employment changes to teachers’ pay and working conditions. These changes have looked at seeking changes to notice periods, sick pay, parental leave and probation.