Budget 2024 – What does it mean for schools & colleges?

On 6th March, the Chancellor Jeremy Hunt delivered his Spring Budget speech to parliament outlining government taxing and spending plans for the coming year and beyond. With potential industrial action and further teacher strikes on the horizon for later this year, there was keen interest to see whether the government position would move towards closer to union demands of increased school funding to try and head off clashes. This article gives an overview of the main Budget 2024 decisions affecting the sector with a brief analysis of what this might mean for schools and colleges.

International Women’s Day 2024

At Edapt, the majority of our subscribers are women, reflecting the profession as a whole. As an organisation where we value ourselves on providing high-quality employment support for all school staff we understand the importance of International Women’s Day (March 8) as a global day celebrating the social, economic and cultural achievements of women.

Political views and discussions in the classroom

At the current time there is lots on the political horizon in which teachers may wish to engage pupils’ interest. We have a General Election coming into view, analysis of the budget taking place, industrial action in education being raised and on top of that, Local Elections. There is lots of scope for well rounded, informative and educational debate.

Menopause and Schools – Updated guidance

Do menopausal symptoms count as a disability? What are the implications for schools? The Equality and Human Rights Commission released new guidance on how employers should treat women experiencing menopausal symptoms with warnings about their legal obligations under the Equality Act 2010. With two thirds of working women between the ages of 40 and 60…

Teaching Apprenticeships: What has been announced?

Teaching Apprenticeships: what has been announced? Overview It has been announced by the Department for Education (DfE) that a new teaching apprenticeship will launch this autumn. The motivation seems to be to improve recruitment to the profession providing another route in. One key aspect is to allow people to earn while they study for a…

Teacher resignation dates

It’s that time of the year when we receive lots of enquiries from our subscribers about teacher resignation dates. As explained in our support article on the topic, The Burgundy Book outlines the terms and conditions for handing in your notice in maintained schools.